Jefferson County Photo Club We Are Excited to Announce Our 14th Annual Photography Competition Gallery Showing & Award Ceremony Nov. 2, 2024
Welcome to our 14th annual photographic competition!
We are excited there are new categories with new photographic guidelines this year.
Who May Enter:
- The contest is open to all beginner and amateur photographers.
- Photographers need not be a resident of Jefferson County, MO
- An amateur is defined as one who earns less than 30 percent of their income from their photographs.
Entry Fee:
- $5.00 per photo per category
- Payment is due at time entries are submitted
- Cash or checks payable to Jefferson County Photo Club accepted
- Entry fees apply for each photo per category
- A mounted duplicate of a print may be entered in more than one category with a separate entry fee
Photographers 15 years old and under are not limited to their age group category.
Our 20 Categories for 2024
Abstract (new) | Action (new) | Architecture | Beginner (any age)/Youth (15 years and younger) | Birds/Waterfowl |
Domestic Animal | Flowers | Landscape | Macro/Extreme Close-up | Manipulation |
Monochrome/Black & White | Nature | Panoramic | Portrait | Still Life |
Street Photography | Transportation | Undefined | Waterscapes | Wildlife |
Awards & Prize Money:
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mention will receive ribbons in each category.
- Best In Show winners will be chosen from the first place winners of each category.
- Best in Show winners will receive rosette ribbons and cash prizes.
- 1st place $125.00
- 2nd lace $100.00
- 3rd place $75.00
General Rules and Submission Guidelines:
- Creative photographic post processing is permitted to enhance your photographs.
- No elements may be cloned, moved, added, deleted, rearranged, or combined EXCEPT in the Manipulation category. Removal of small distractions, such as trash, is allowable.
- No watermarks are allowed as photos are judged anonymously.
- Photographs cannot be entered that have been taken with the use of automatic shutters triggered by light or movement.
- All photos must be the photographer’s original work. Photos taken in or with professional help in a studio or workshop environment may not be entered. The photographer must be responsible for their own settings, lighting, and composition.
- All submissions must be family friendly.
- Submissions that have won a 1st Place ribbon in previous JCPC photo competitions may NOT be entered.
- Size requirements and limitations
- Shortest side may not be less than 6 inches, Longest side may not exceed 12 inches except for panoramic photos Square photos are allowed with a minimum size of 6”x6” and a maximum of 12”x12”
- Submissions in the Panoramic category may have a maximum size of 8”x24”
Photo Mounting Requirements:
- Photos will be displayed on easels.
- Photos are to be flush mounted on core/foam or art board etc. The material on which the photos are mounted must be sturdy enough to support the photo on the easels.
- Use double sided tape or scrap booking dots
- Do not use spray adhesive to mount photograph! Spray adhesives may smear causing your photo to become tacky causing them to become damaged as well as other entrant’s works when handled by judges and gallery showing
- No borders, matting or framing is allowed.
- Mounting board must match the size of the photo. Edges must be trimmed off.
Photo Finishes and papers:
- All types of photo papers are allowable in all categories
- Metal, Glass and Canvas prints are prohibited
Forms required to be submitted with entries:
- A Photographers Information Sheet must be fully completed (and signed) for each photographer.
- A separate Photo Entry Form must be completed and taped securely to the back of each entry.
- The Photo Entry Form on the back of the photo must be aligned to indicate the top of the photo.
Gallery Showing:
- High Ridge Elks Lodge 2808 Old Hunning Rd. High Ridge Mo 63049 (lower level)
- Saturday, Nov 2, 2024 from 2:30 PM. to 4:30 pm
- Award Ceremony 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 pm
Drop Off Dates for Entries:
- Saturday October12th and October 19th,1:00 to 3:00 pm at the High Ridge Library, 5680 Missouri Highway PP (corner of Highway PP and Highway 30), High Ridge, Mo
- October 16th, 2024, 6:30 to 8:30 pm during our monthly club meeting at the High Ridge Elks Lodge, 2808 Old Hunning Rd. High Ridge Mo (lower level)
- Mailed Entries: Jefferson County Photo Club – P O Box 281, Fenton MO 63026
- Entries must be post-marked no later than first drop of date of October 12th 2024
Photos will be available and must be picked up at the conclusion of the awards ceremony. If you are unable to attend, please make plans with a friend or family member to pick them up. Those left behind will be donated as flash photos for Alzheimer patients for cognitive photographic recollections.
Additional information, category definitions, entry forms, etc., is available the club’s website,
Questions, please email Jefferson County Photo Club at JCPC.Photo@gmail.com
We are looking forward to sharing the day with you and your family.