We’re always here to help if you have questions!
All of the categories are listed below with a description. If you need help, contact us!


Abstract (New category for 2024)
A photo where the photographer does not necessarily attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality; but instead, uses shapes and colors to achieve its effect. The photograph may be a small portion of an object or scene, possibly resulting in a simplified version with the original object no longer being definable.
Photographs of moving subjects. When taking a photo of a moving subject, consider whether you want to freeze motion or include motion blur.
Photos that involve the photographing of structures/buildings and/or their interiors in such a way that it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and an accurate representation of the subject.
Beginner/Youth (15 & under)
Photos taken by someone who occasionally dabbles in photography or has only been taking photographs for a short amount of time. Beginners are open to any age. Youth: must be 15 years or younger to enter in this category. Open to all subject matter. Beginner and youths are also welcomed to enter additional work in all other categories.
Wild birds and waterfowl. No pet birds or farm fowl allowed. (These would be entered in the Domestic Animal category).
Domesticated Animals
Your family pets, animals that are tame and kept as pets or farm animals.
The focus should be on the flower(s). Flower(s) are the star(s) in this category. If your photograph includes hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, etc., these should be entered in the Nature category.
These photographs should bring the viewer into the scene. Your photograph may include structures or water, but the focus should be the entire grouping of possible subject(s) in the scene that make up the end result the landscape.
Macro/Extreme Close-up
The subject matter must fill 75% of the photograph. Any lens may be used, macro lens is not required. Cropping is acceptable.
Manipulation (All Subject Matter)
This is an altered reality type category, where you are allowed to add or subtract anything, (overlays, turn your photo into a painting, create a stained-glass effect, wild color combinations, etc.).
Monochrome/Black & White
A photograph executed in Black and White or in shades of any one color such as shades of Sepia (Brown & White), Cyanotype (Blue& White) etc.
Photographs of plants, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, weather, clouds, butterflies, mushrooms, celestial bodies, etc., or a combination of these are some examples of what may be entered into this category.
Any subject matter shown in panoramic format. Panoramic scenes can be done by stacking/stitching or with the use of a panoramic lens etc. In this category your photo can be up to 24 inches long; with the shortest dimension is no smaller than 6 inches long.
Photograph of a person or group of people that captures the personality(ies) of the subject(s). Photos may be taken in either an indoor or an outdoor setting.
(Photos taken where a studio does the setup for you may not be entered)
Still Life
Inanimate objects found naturally, or objects arranged by the photographer to achieve a pleasing image by utilizing creative composition, lighting and textures.
Street Photography
Candid photos of everyday life in public places (streets, parks, malls, sidewalk cafes, etc.). These may be images that captures humanity in decisive moments in public spaces. These photos should have at least one human or animal in the shot.)
Photographs that show the movement of goods and persons from place to place and the various means by which such movement is accomplished.
This category is open to any subject matter. It is a category for a photograph that does not fit into any of our other categories. Or it may be a combination of more than one category combined together. Ask yourself, when I photographed my subject, what was the reason (the cute kitten? the landscape?) to find the correct category in this list. If you can’t find a category that fits, then this is the category for it.
The subject or main focus of photograph should be a body of water (oceans, rivers, waterfalls, creeks, springs, ponds and lakes, etc.). The photo may include structures, but they would be complimentary and should not take the viewers focus away from the water.
Native or exotic animals (mammals only) found in their natural habitat. Zoo or preserve animals are acceptable because they are normally found in the wild. Those of us that haven’t been to the wilds of the Serengeti, or the open range of the Dakotas must celebrate in presenting these wild captive animals in the best light. Cages, fences and/or bars that are visible and will be negative factors within your photo. Think about what to remove or exclude when you are photographing the animals. (“Wildlife is magnificent wherever you find it”. Renee’ Townsend)